Professional Cleaning Services for offices, commercial and industrial business are now at your doorstep! If you live or work in or around the surrounding areas of Springvale Station, Springvale Botanical or the historic Jacks roundabout contact Nick on 0423 815 057 or submit your enquiry below. Our excellent customer service and operations allows for job startups within 24 hours based on your requirement.
Cleaning your office should be a priority, considering our experience with a global pandemic. But we know that office cleaning is a business expense and many businesses choose to overlook their cleaning obligation. This is why CES is focused on converting your business expense into an investment through our digital operations and communication management solution. We are revolutionizing the industry with guaranteed streamlined processes and increased efficiency with office cleaning. Call us Now!
Cleaning Edge Solutions is a specialist in cleaning offices, medical centres, gyms, shopping and retail centres, child care and aged care centres, and more… We are the only triple ISO certified company in Melbourne and Perth which means that you are guaranteed a high quality of service. We adhere to regulatory bodies that concern your business while ensuring that we meet the regulations as your commercial cleaning service provider. We are registered with the Victorian Government Labour Hire Authority and our staff has verified police and VIVO checks.
As cleaning specialists in various types of businesses, we are aware that different businesses require different cleaning solutions, auditing processes and are required to meet different standards of compliance. Specially, with medical centre cleaning, we know that your medical centre is evaluated through the patient reported Victorian healthcare experience survey and accreditations. Therefore, you need to invest in a cleaning company that is aware of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS) evaluations and other regulatory requirements so that you do not fail any compliance audits. Making Cleaning Edge Solutions your medical centre cleaning partner could prove to be the best decision for your business.
As an owner or manager of an industrial business, you should know the cost of non-compliance. We have had businesses contact us for our services as they had been penalized or temporarily closed down due to non-compliance. But as specialists, our team has been able to conduct industrial cleaning services to meet the required standards so that businesses could re-open. Our expertise lies in Primary Processing Plants, Cooking Plants, Butcher Shops, Pet Food, Abattoirs, Boning rooms and more… Cleaning Edge adheres to the strict code of standards developed by the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) when carrying out cleaning services and we also ensure compliance with most food standards such as BRC Global Standards, USDA, AIB International, Australian Certified Organic etc.
Cleaning Edge Solutions offers a range of commercial cleaning services to suit the different requirements of clients
Our Very Own Smartphone App With Real-Time Communication
Cleaning With A Tap! Our Innovative Smart App Now Allows Clients To Communicate With Our Cleaning Edge Solutions Team, Enabling Real-time Monitoring and Quick Responses In Addressing Concerns